Regesta of Sigmund of Luxembourg 1410/11-1437

Kontaktdaten Wien

Dr. Karel Hruza

  • Dr. Petr Elbel (FWF/DFG)-Projekt
  • Dr. Alexandra Kaar (FWF/DFG)-Projekt
  • Mag. Sonja Lessacher (FWF/DFG)-Projekt

Regesta Imperii Wien (IMAFO)
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften


work +43(0)151581-7220

Kontaktdaten Brünn

Dr. Karel Hruza

  • Dr. Petr Elbel (Arbeitsstellenleiter)
  • Dr. Stanislav Bárta
  • Dr. Přemysl Bar
  • Dr. David Kalhous
  • Mag. Lukáš Reitinger
  • Mag. Ondřej Vodička
  • Mag. Ondřej Schmidt

Regesta Imperii Branch Office Brno
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Brno

Arna Nováka 1

Cz-602 00 Brno


work +42(0) 549 491 570

Kontaktdaten München

Prof. Dr. Irmgard Fees (DFG/FWF-Projekt)


Project Regesta of Emperor Sigismund

The revision of emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg‘s regesta began by the Viennese team in a third-party-project (FWF) "Sigismund († 1437), emperor in the empire, in Hungary and Bohemia" in 2004 and continued with the two follow-up projects "The distanced emperor: Sigismund of Luxembourg’s exercise of rule, networks and communication as emperor and king of the three empires Germany, Hungary and Bohemia" and "Quest for a balance of power: Sigismund’s policy 1214-1418" until 2017. The revision’s first volume with regesta of deeds from archives in Moravia, and Czech-Silesia was published in 2012.

The establishment of an additional office at the Masaryk University in Brno in 2011 under the leadership of Dr. Petr Elbel. The work is being continued on the basis of the Czech third-party-projects directed by Petr Elbel: The project "Emperor Sigismund's Charters for Czech Recipients: Tradition and Innovation in Late Medieval Diplomatics" (GAČR, Nr. P405/11/0639), within whose framework a volume with regesta from West, Nord and East Bohemian archives and libraries as well as a volume with regesta from South Bohemian archives and libraries was completed, ran from 2011 until 2014. The work on materials from the archives and libraries in Prague and Central Bohemia has been started. In addition research into selected kinds of deeds by Sigusmund to Bohemian receivers and into the counterfeits by Kaspar Schlick and Ulrich von Rosenberg was published. In the project "Emperor Sigismund’s party in Hussite Bohemia" (GAČR, Nr. GA15-14758S), 2015-2017 three volumes of regesta from the archives and libraries of Prague and Central Bohemia were compiled and prosopographical research was carried out on Sigismund's party in Bohemia and on Sigismund's Bohemian courtiers, the publication of which is still pending.

The international cooperation project "Kaiser Sigismund und Bayern", funded by the FWF and the DFG and based at the ÖAW and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, was launched in 2019 and the second funding phase was approved from 2024.


XI. Sigismund of Luxemburg 1410–1437

  1. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii XI: Die Urkunden Kaiser Sigmunds 1410–1437, edited by n Altmann, Wilhelm - Reprint of the edition Innsbruck 1896-1900 – Hildesheim (1968).*Printed version as PDF document (XI,1)Printed version as PDF document (XI,2)Reviews of this volume

Sigismund of Luxemburg (revised edition)

  1. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii XI: Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437). Nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. Volume 1: Die Urkunden und Briefe aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken Mährens und Tschechisch-Schlesiens, edited by Elbel, Petr - Wien (et al.) 2012.Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  2. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii XI: Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437). Nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. Volume 2: Die Urkunden und Briefe aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken West-, Nord- und Ostböhmens, edited by Elbel, Petr; Bárta, Stanislav; Bar, Pøemysl and Reitinger, Lukáš - Wien (et al.) 2015.Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  3. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii XI: Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437). Nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. Volume 3: Die Urkunden aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken Südböhmens, edited by Elbel, Petr; Bar, Pøemysl; Bárta, Stanislav uand Reitinger, Lukáš - Wien (et al.) 2016.Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  4. Die Urkunden und Briefe aus dem Ungarischen Staatsarchiv zu Budapest in Auswahl: Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410–1437) nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. Online-supplement 1: Die Urkunden und Briefe aus dem Ungarischen Staatsarchiv zu Budapest in Auswahl 1410–1412, the Zsigmondkori oklevéltár translated and re-edited by Márta Kondor, Anna Jagošová and Sandra Weiss (Regesta Imperii Online).download here

All printed publications were published by the two Böhlau publishing houses in Cologne-Weimar-Vienna and respectively Vienna-Weimar-Cologne. Volumes marked by a * were published as reprints by the publishing house Olms, Hildesheim.