Regesta of Conrad III 1138-1152

After the overcoming of the in the 19th century postulated image of a luckless and partly unable ruler, King Conrad III (12238-1152) is considered in the modern historical research as a territorial political and administrative pioneer for his nephew Frederick I, also known as Frederick Barbarossa (1152-1190). Frederick I in turn was able to realise his plans successfully due to the solid foundation laid by Conrad III and his own talent during his far longer reign. The new regesta on Conrad’s reign, which unite annalistic and documentary evidence as well as the newest secondary literature to a critical overall picture, will serve as a considerable fundamental work for an appropriate and detailed evaluation of Conrad’s reign and character. Those regesta were compiled by Jan Paul Niederkorn and cooperation of Karel Hruza, the editorial staff consisted of Matilda Erak, Karel Hruza, Anne-Kathrin Kunde and Renata Spreitzer. Johann Friedrich Böhmer has printed 124 short regesta on the reign of Conrad III in his book “Regesta chronologico– diplomomatica regum atque imperatorum Romanorum”, published in 1831. The new regesta volume on the same topic on the other hand contains more than 790, mostly detailed regesta. The publication of this volume did not only close an immense research gap, but also the gap in the chronological series of the Regesta Imperii between the existing regesta of Lothar III and Frederick I. A monographic refurbishing of Conrad’s reign by Wolfram Ziegler was published in the supplements of the “Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters” in 2008.

Regesta of Frederick I 1152-1190


Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Opll


Regesta Imperii Wien (IMAFO)
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Hollandstraße 11-13

A-1020 Wien


work +43(0)151581-7220

The revision of the Regesta Imperii for the period of the emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (1152-1190) is done by Ferdinand Opll. Apart from the documentary evidence based on the volumes within the Diplomata-series of the Monumenta Germaniae historica, edited by Heinrich Appelt, the relevant messages of the historiography as well as the so-called “Reichssachen”, especially the documents by legates in the empire, are being incorporated. The first volume of the “Barbarossa Regesta” for the years from the king election (1151) till the beginning of the first Italy campaign and the messages about Frederick from the previous years (1122-1152) has already been published in 1980. The second volume covering the time between June 1158 and March 1168– the latter date marking the dramatic retreat of the Staufen man from the fourth Italy campaign was presented to the public in 1991; the third volume for the phase of spring 1168 until the end of the year 1180 was presented precisely ten years later. Der fourth and concluding volume, which reports on events up to the emperor’s death in the Saleph, the Turkish river Gök-su, on 10th June 1190, was released in 2011. The concluding fifth volume with a Bibliography and a register was published in 2018.

Papal Regesta 1181-1198


Prof. Dr. Klaus Herbers

  • Dr. Ulrich Schmidt
  • Dr. Viktoria Trenkle

Regesta Imperii Tübingen

Am Lustnauer Tor 6

D-72074 Tübingen


work +49(0)7071-550611

Parallel to the regesta of Henry VI presented by Gerhard Baaken, the regesta of the papal deeds of the time between 1181 and 1198 are being edited in this sub-project by the Tübingen office. The editors Ulrich Schmidt and Karin Baaken (until her retirement in 2003), were in the meantime able to more than double the number of regesta of Popes Lucius III, Urban III, Gregory VIII, Clement III and Celestine III originally registered by Jaffé-Loewenfeld. Thus there are currently ca. 8000 pieces registered in the collection of material. The indexing by recipient and tradition was made for the whole material. Aiming at completeness the deeds’ prints of all pieces were recorded and collected in form of copies. The regesta of Lucius III’s pontificate are available in two volumes (published in 2003 and 2006). Ulrich Schmidt published in 2012, 2014 and 2018 the volumes RI IV.4.3 (1185-1187), RI IV.4.4 (1187-1191) and RI IV.4.5 (1191-1195). Viktoria Trenkle will work at the last fascicle for the papacy of Celestine III (1195-1198) together with Ulrich Schmidt.


IV. Lothar III. / Older House of Hohenstaufen 1125-1197

  1. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 1. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreiches unter Lothar III. und Konrad III. part 1: Lothar III. 1125 (1075) – 1137, edited by Petke, Wolfgang - Köln (et al.) (1994).Printed version as PDF document Reviews of this volume
  2. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 1. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreiches unter Lothar III. und Konrad III. part 2: Konrad III. 1138 (1093/94) – 1152, edited by Niederkorn, Jan Paul and Hruza, Karel - Köln (et al.) (2008).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  3. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 2. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Friedrich I. 1152 (1122) - 1190. 1. fasc: 1152 (1122) – 1158, edited by Opll, Ferdinand and Mayr, Hubert - Wien (et al.) (1980).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  4. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 2. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Friedrich I. 1152 (1122) - 1190. 2. fasc: 1158-1168, edited by Opll, Ferdinand and Mayr, Hubert - Wien (et al.) (1991).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  5. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 2. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Friedrich I. 1152 (1122) - 1190. 3. fasc: 1168-1180, edited by Opll, Ferdinand - Wien (et al.) (2001).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  6. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 2. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Friedrich I. 1152 (1122) - 1190. 4. fasc: 1181-1190, edited by Opll, Ferdinand - Wien (et al.) (2011).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  7. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 2. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Friedrich I. 1152 (1122) - 1190. 5. fasc: Einleitung und Nachwort, Nachträge zu den Lieferungen 1-4, Bibliographie, Abkürzungs- und Siglenverzeichnis, Namenregister, Konkordanztafeln, edited by Opll, Ferdinand - Wien (et al.) (2018)Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  8. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 3. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Heinrich VI. 1165 (1190) – 1197, edited by Baaken, Gerhard - Köln (et al.) (1972).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  9. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 3. unit: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Heinrich VI. 1165 (1190) - 1197. Namensregister, Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen, Nachträge, edited by Baaken, Gerhard and Baaken, Katrin - Köln (et al.) (1979).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  10. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4. unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198, part 4, fasc. 1: 1181-1184, edited by Baaken, Katrin and Schmidt, Ulrich - Köln (et al.) (2003).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  11. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4. unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198, part 4, fasc. 2: 1184-1185, edited by Baaken, Katrin and Schmidt, Ulrich - Köln (et al.) (2006).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  12. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4. unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198, part 4, fasc. 3: 1185-1187, edited by Schmidt, Ulrich unter Mitwirkung von Katrin Baaken - Köln (et al.) (2012).Printed version as PDF documentReviews of this volume
  13. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. and ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4. unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198, part 4, fasc.4: 1187-1191, edited by Schmidt, Ulrich - Köln (et al.) (2014).Printed version as PDF document Reviews of this volume
  14. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4. unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198, part 4, fasc. 5: 1191-1195, Cölestin III., edited by Schmidt, Ulrich - Köln (et al.) (2018).Printed version as PDF document Reviews of this volume
  15. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4 unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198. part 4, fasc. 6: 1195-1198. Cölestin III., edited by Schmidt, Ulrich and Trenkle, Viktoria - Köln (u.a.) (2024).Printed version as PDF document
  16. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Imperii IV. Lothar III. und ältere Staufer 1125-1197. 4 unit: Papstregesten 1124-1198. part. 4. WORKS IN PROGRESS: fasc. 7: Ergänzungen, Berichtigungen und Nachträge, edited by Schmidt, Ulrich. Elektronische pdf-Ressource - Mainz (2024).Digital Volume (PDF)