The Structure of the Regesta Imperii
The structure of the Regesta Imperii results from the fact that the project has been continuously carried on since its foundation around 1830 and is thus indentured to the original regulations. The basic scheme in Roman numerals divides the entire Middle Ages into dynasty related periods and the Late Middle ages into ruler related periods. It begins with department I with the Carolingian dynasty (613-918) and ends with department XIV with Maximilian I. (1486/1493-1519). Within this basic scheme the epochs of dynastic continuity- e.g. the Carolingians, the Ottonians, the Salians and the House of Hohenstaufen- are subdivided into different units for the individual rulers. Those are published chronologically in sub-volumes and deliveries. Additionally, the papal regesta of the respective time period are filed in the first four departments. Hence Volume II for example consists of the Saxon House (919-1024) with the kings and emperor respectively Henry I and Otto I as the first unit, Otto III., Henry II. as the second to fourth unit, the popes of that era as the fifth unit and the register as the sixth unit. For the volumes specialized on the Late Middle Ages those units usually cease to apply since every volume is restricted to a single ruler anyway. However, due to the amount of primary documents a splitting in various sub-volumes or fascicle might be necessary in some cases.
The regesta of Louis the Bavarian ( 1314-1347) as well as the regesta of emperor Frederick III (1440-1493) will for the time being not be published as their volume numbers VII or XIII within the basic scheme, but in separate book series. The reason is that those series‒ in contrast to the “regular” Regesta Imperri Volumes‒ do not entail the complete historical tradition, but the inventories of individual archives, due to work-related issues. The same procedure is being used for editing the regesta of Emperor Sigismund (department XI).
Apart from the Regesta volumes the Commission also publishes a monographic book series with the programmatic series title Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters. Beihefte zu J. F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii, which includes monographs as well as edited volumes. Additionally, the Commission publishes monographs, auxiliary means etc. for research and teaching related to the RI as electronic PDF resources, labelled "WORKS IN PROGRESS".