I. Menu bar
regesta search: Is structured into a simple full-text search and a more comprehensive expert search.
Volume: selection of individual volumes
Volume registers: Selection possibilities for registers of individual volumes and for cumulated registers on several sections/volumes - at the present only available as PDFs.
Addenda: A summary of all addenda and corrigenda of our users on our regesta.
memory list: The memory list serves as a clipboard for regesta. You can save regesta from your searches or from displaying individual sub-volumes for the duration of your stay and access them anytime. The clipboard will be emptied automatically when you close the browser.
II. Regesta search
Is structured into a simple full-text search and the more comprehensive expert search. The simple search makes use of the well-known logic of a google search. The star symbol (*) may be used at the beginning or end of the search terms as a placeholder.
We advise you to use the expert search in order to get more accurate results.
The search form for the expert search makes a differentiation of the search possible:
- forkeywords: any number of keywords, automatic linking with „and“.
- forphrases: searching for exact phrases (e.g. Friedrich von der Pfalz“)
- forplaces of issue
- Additional search fields may be activated here in order to process search requests with the existing linkings/limitations AND, OR, NOT (e.g. Searching for "Wein", NOT "Weinsberg", NOT "Weinheim").
further search options
- limitations, which fields shall be searched: text of regesta, traditions- or comments, addendums
Please note: Those text fields are not featured in all volumes - You can search for places of issue via the selectable Option next to the search field
- Searching fordating and time periods: You can distinguish in a very detailed way by years, months and days.
Please note: From/to- search requests are each processed without the ending date. If you only enter the "from" date you will be shown all regesta from this day onwards. If you only enter the "to" date you will be shown all regesta up to this date. - Limiting the search requests to single departments and volumes.
- Searching selectively for regesta numbers.
limit of relevance
The hits of your search request will be displayed in the list of results. You might modify the amount hits displayed, arrange them in groups due to dates, regesta number or ruler Name as well as changing the order from ascending to descending and vice versa. Selecting dating/place or Details leads to the full display.
By means of the arrows the previous or following hit might be chosen, by clicking on the double arrows you will get to the beginning or the end of your list of results, whilst choosing "list of regesta" brings you back to the result overview.
result overview
The hits of you search requests are displayed in the result overview. You might modify the amount hits displayed, arrange them in groups due to dates, regesta number or ruler Name as well as changing the order from ascending to descending and vice versa. Selecting dating/place or Details leads to the full display.
By means of the arrows the previous or following hit might be chosen, by clicking on the double arrows you will get to the beginning or the end of your list of results, whilst choosing "list of regesta" brings you back to the result overview.
III. Display of Regesta
- Within the header you will find information about the ruler, the conventional counting of RI-volumes as well as the regesta number of the printed volume.
- Via URI the persistent link of this record might be displayed, via memory list this entry will be deposited in the clipboard.
- Below the actual regesta text especially characterised additional informationlike original dating or chancery notes are shown
- Literature linkings lead directly to the RI-OPAC for reasons of bibliographical verification, links within directly to the regest that has been mentioned.
- Addendums by users (if available) can be added to the footer line of the regest.
- Suggested citation.
- Further information on external online offerings of deed images and prints like the dMGH, which concern the regest, are shown in the right-hand.
IV. Register
The place and personal registers have not been fully developed for the online offerings. Unter the tab register we make all Registers of the printed volumes available as PDFs, so that you can nevertheless use them for your research. For the regesta of Frederic III and Ludwig the Bavarian, whose regesta are being published in relation to their origin, there are cumulated and newly edited registers available.
The regesta database may be accessed via REST API, which includes a representation of the regesta according to CEI-scheme (Charters Encoding Initiative of the LMU Munich. Via you will be able to access volume collection of the regesta. Alternatively, you can download a zip-file of all collections from hier. Further information about the API can be found here.